Sunday, October 7, 2007

What is "God Room?"

and how much room does God take up anyway?

i guess i'll leave that for him to decide.

I'm feeling pretty small lately. The ideals, the visions for success and what not are not matching my life lately (can i use "not" twice in a sentence?). Isn't God supposed to move in and make these things possible? Well of course the ideals never match my life, that's why they're called ideals.

i knew that.

Its just that I need to talk about it. Is there really any more room in me for God since he first spoke these words to me? (I was driving through Rowland Heights, California one day, years ago, and I looked at a store sign and read "make God room." Well of course the sign didn't really say that, I just imagined it. Maybe thought it. However it stuck with me and I decided it might be God. The real issue developed into a need for growing in character. )

I have 4 or 5 more children since then. They take up a lot of room. I've been to several Gothard seminars since then (Basic principles of life) and I've heard quite a bit about character since then. I used to be (or thought I was) the most mature person I knew. I now am around people that are wiser, more faithful, more loving, better communicators, and I'm sure don't use spell check as much as me.

So, I'm not being completely honest. And I need to be so that this does not become a pity party (or is it too late?). God has been faithful and life has never meant to be about me. I am confident in God's ability to act in spite of my inaction. Renew your vision in me, Lord. Give me a target...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool, Dad! you're one of the AWSOMEST men in my life and i just wanted to encourage you in what you're doing. I'm right behind you all the way!!!!!!!!!!!