Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Drug on the Market

Today I met an amazing lady. Over the last several years she has endured cancer and many operations. Most recently she spend months in a nursing home recovering from a staff infection she caught during another hospital stay. She showed me a stack of books she was taking to a friend she met at that nursing home. She was going soon to visit this friend and keep her in reading material. Another friend she knew was going to be her roommate at an upcoming church retreat until she fell and broke a bone. Ironically, this lady I met was also going to miss the same retreat her friend was missing because of an new upcoming surgery on a recent hernia.

But you can find these kind of troubles quite often in the "Seasoned" Citizen community. Which is a whole vital topic waiting to be written about. That's not so amazing.

What is amazing about this lady is her thriving spirit. She could be in awe of her medical history, but not complaining. She could smirk or snort in disgust about her condition. The circumstances facing this blessed soul just spurred her on to visit and help her friends. She felt God had been very good to her.

I want some of that "Thrive."

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