Thursday, March 27, 2008

Road Sage

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.
Lewis Carroll

"Now where am I going?" I say to myself as I head out to my first job of the day. This happens quite often. It's like a premature launch. I get dressed, shaved, vitamins, coffee, toast, out to the truck - oops, comb my hair, back to the truck - oops, get my keys. Then I'm off to somewhere in Downey. But where?

I suddenly realize that there is a mantra ringing in my head. ...Lakewood, left on Florence, left on Downey Sanford Bridge... I've been repeating it since I left the computer to grab my coffee and didn't hear it till now. It's like a loop running around in my head waiting to catch my attention. Now I know where I'm going.

It was so cool to have instructions in my head, I thought I'd check out if anything else was in there (I'm ignoring your comments). I remembered that I had an all powerful God to face the challenges I would be having today. "Be strong and Courageous!" I put aside the gnawing in my stomach and rested in the Lord's ability to get me through it all. I have all his leadership and creativity at my right hand. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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