Friday, April 4, 2008

Fear & Greed Revisited

So...don't look for anything earth shaking on this topic today. I haven't worked through the issue of how to be at rest when I work. I know. I couldn't resist. Maybe I'm wrestling with topics bigger than I can handle. Since "sliced bread" us men have been looking for "easy."

Actually we slice our own bread.

So...don't look for any fast answers here. However, I will toss in some suppositions. Suppose (<--supposition #1) I focus on putting in my time and creativity, working "as unto the Lord" and letting the days wage be what it is? This has been a working theory for me for the last few years. It doesn't address the forward thinking, the brainstorming, the stressing that has to take place in order to see a business grow and find that "cutting edge." Well, I'm going to keep working at this--in a restful way, of course.

P.S. Doing quite a bit of quotation marks today. Its a short cut to actually thinking and using my own words.


Richard J said...

Tim--"Hi!" It seems like this is the dilemma of running a small business: either you actually do the work, or you plan. But if you're "planning," then you "aren't working." (Hey using quotation marks is fun!) And if you're planning, then no work is being done.

I know for me, I have to schedule planning and long-term thinking time. (Although I'm not that good at it yet.) Otherwise, I start to feel like I'm on the hamster wheel--working hard, but getting nowhere.

Tim Lynch said...

Thanks for the thoughts Richard, I certainly am far from fine tuning the "planning thing"!